The Executive Committee is made up of officers who are elected by the general Membership, per the Chinook PTSA Standing Rules, and are PTSA members. They are the Co-Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer. The general descriptions and duties of each Executive Committee position are listed below. In addition to the duties below, Executive Committee members are asked to attend Board of Directors Meetings as well as general Membership Meetings held throughout the school year. All positions should also attend WSPTA training, as specified in the WSPTA Standards of Affiliation (SOA).
Ideally, there are two Co-Presidents for the Chinook PTSA. The Co-Presidents are elected officers of the Chinook PTSA whose main responsibilities include, but not limited to the following:
Secretary is an elected officer of the Chinook PTSA whose main responsibilities include, but not limited to, the following:
The Treasurer is an elected officer of the Chinook PTSA who manages and supervises all the financial aspects of the PTSA, whose responsibilities include, but not limited to the following:
Board of Directors of the Chinook PTSA consist of the elected officers that make up the Executive Committee and the Committee Chairs appointed by the Executive Committee, as specified in the Standing Rules.
Fundraising Chair
The Fundraising Chair manages the one major fundraiser during the school year called Shine on Chinook. The majority of the work is completed by the end of January. Key responsibilities include:
Membership Chair
This position campaigns for families to join the Chinook PTSA and coordinates their registration with the State PTSA. There is some data entry work.
Communications Chair
Communications Chair's main responsibilities include, but not limited to, the following. Technical background is helpful.
Legislative Chair
The Legislative Chair's main responsibility is to stay on top of educational information from the State PTA and State legislature, and communicates it to our families. Key responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
PTSA Council Liaison
A representative from each of the Bellevue School District PTAs belong to a group, The Bellevue PTSA Council. This group meets once a month at the Bellevue School District headquarters to discuss issues that impact all of the schools in the district. There are presentations on a variety of relevant topics. Speakers range from the Superintendent, to School Board members, transportation, teachers, etc. Responsibilities include:
Grants Chair/Committee
Much of the Chinook PTSA’s budget supports our students through grants. Teachers/staff/PTSA members make individual grant requests directly to the PTSA twice a year (fall and spring). The Grants Committee reports to the PTSA Executive Committee and responsibilities include:
BSF Representative
The Bellevue Schools Foundation (BSF) provides funding and supplies throughout the Bellevue School District for materials, projects, support, etc. that the school district cannot fund from their budget. The BSF is run with privately raised money and is a key component behind the unique nature and excellence of the Bellevue School District. The BSF Representative serves as a link between the Foundation and the Chinook PTSA community.
Volunteer Coordinator
There are many ways to help out at Chinook. The Volunteer Coordinator helps match intererested volunteers with PTSA volunteer opportunities. This position is responsible for:
8th Grade Party Chair
This is a Chinook PTSA Board of Directors position. The committee is responsible for planning and throwing a party for the 8th graders to celebrate their graduation from Chinook. The graduation party is typically held in June around the graduation ceremony at school and is attended by 8th grade students. You do not need to be an 8th grade parent to chair this position or be on the committee.
Awards Chair
In the Spring, this committee works with students and PTSA volunteers to award Teacher Appreciation awards and Volunteer Awards (Golden Acorn).
I-Connect Chair
The goal of Chinook I-Connect is to create opportunities for Chinook parents who want to connect with other parents at the school to share experiences and thoughts in order to build relationships, foster participation, and strengthen our Chinook Middle School community. The organizers will plan monthly discussion meetings with topics that are of interest to Chinook parents and invite subject matter experts (e.g. principal, counselors, district-level staff, parents). The attendees are encouraged to participate in the discussions at the meetings.
Reflections Chair
The Reflections Program is a National PTA and Washington State PTA cultural arts competition. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works. Each year, Reflections challenges students to create art that supports a specific theme in various art forms, such as dance, film, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. The Reflections Committee will promote the program and encourage students to participate (summer~Oct), assemble the judging panel (by Oct), collect student submissions (Nov), and plan and hold the awards & recognition ceremony (Dec). The Reflections Chair may recruit committee members to help out with the program.
Staff Appreciation
Over the course of the school year, the parent community shows appreciation for our teachers and staff. Typically parents prepare food for meals or other gestures to let the teachers and staff know how much we appreciate their work with our kids.
Nominating Committee
The nominating committee (3 people) is elected by the PTSA general Membership by early January. The job of the committee is to identify, recruit and nominate the best qualified candidates for each elected PTSA position, by holding confidential meetings and reviewing nominations, as specified by the WA State PTSA Bylaws and Chinook PTSA standing rules. The president cannot be a member of this committee. Ideally, committee members will have “reach” into our community to find those who will represent our students well.
The Executive Committee is made up of officers who are elected by the general Membership, per the Chinook PTSA Standing Rules, and are PTSA members. They are the Co-Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer. The general descriptions and duties of each Executive Committee position are listed below. In addition to the duties below, Executive Committee members are asked to attend Board of Directors Meetings as well as general Membership Meetings held throughout the school year. All positions should also attend WSPTA training, as specified in the WSPTA Standards of Affiliation (SOA).
Ideally, there are two Co-Presidents for the Chinook PTSA. The Co-Presidents are elected officers of the Chinook PTSA whose main responsibilities include, but not limited to the following:
- At the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1st), meet with the Treasurer and bank to set up the account and signees for the upcoming school year.
- Review bank statements monthly. Check with treasurer if any questionable activity. Date and sign the statement before delivering to treasurer.
- Update the Chinook PTSA Standing Rules so that it can be approved at the first general Membership meeting in September.
- In the summer, review the PTSA website and submit changes.
- Recruit Committee Chairs to fill PTSA committee positions for the upcoming school year.
- In August, hold a meeting with new Executive Committee members to prepare and plan for the new school year.
- In August, coordinate staff lunch prior to start of the school year (one of the LID days)
- In August, at Taking Care of Business days, be present at the PTSA table.
- Have quarterly meetings with the principal of the school.
- Speak at Curriculum Night.
- Preside at all Chinook PTSA Board of Directors meetings and general Membership meetings.
- Attend local PTSA council meetings once a month (2 hrs per meeting).
- Attend local PTSA training (approx. 3-5 hours for the year).
- Review the budget on a monthly basis.
- Provide second signature on all PTSA checks throughout the year, on an as-needed basis.
- Respond to various community emails.
- Provide content to PTSA Kodiak Korner newsletter.
- Perform duties listed in WSPTA Uniform Bylaws and the standing rules.
Secretary is an elected officer of the Chinook PTSA whose main responsibilities include, but not limited to, the following:
- Keep accurate records of all meetings (Executive Committee, Board of Directors, Membership) and prepare minutes for approval at next meeting.
- Together with the Co-Presidents, plan the meeting agenda.
- Inform the Co-Presidents of any unfinished business from previous meetings.
- Send notices of meetings and conduct correspondence as designated by the Co-Presidents.
- Take meeting attendance to determine if a quorum is present.
- Keep a complete roster of the membership and up-to-date record of all committees.
- Maintain up-to-date Board of Director's contact list.
- Maintain job descriptions of the Board of Directors.
- Perform such other duties as provided for in the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws or standing rules.
- Ensure all legal documents, notebooks, and permanent record files are in order and ready to transfer to the new officers.
- Refer to the WSPTA Secretary Handbook for more details.
The Treasurer is an elected officer of the Chinook PTSA who manages and supervises all the financial aspects of the PTSA, whose responsibilities include, but not limited to the following:
- Reconcile and present a written financial report every month
- Provide financial records if requested by the President or Board of Directors
- Submit books and records for the mid-year financial review
- Close the books on June 30th and submit the books and records for financial review
- Track and record all financial transactions, such as membership dues, donations, receipts, disbursements, corporate matching, etc. and perform duties required to receive corporate matching.
- Chair the budget committee; present the budget to the membership; keep accurate records; receive, issue receipts, and deposit promptly in an authorized account all monies and disburse same according to the approved yearly budget.
- Keep the PTSA compliant with rules and regulations, such as reporting to government agencies (e.g. Tax-related submissions, Charitable Solicitations, Annual Corporation, etc.).
- Keep a record of membership fees and pay the WSPTA membership fees to the WSPTA office.
- Maintain required type and level of insurance needed for running our PTSA.
- Perform such other duties as may be provided for in the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws and the Chinook PTSA Standing Rules.
Board of Directors of the Chinook PTSA consist of the elected officers that make up the Executive Committee and the Committee Chairs appointed by the Executive Committee, as specified in the Standing Rules.
Fundraising Chair
The Fundraising Chair manages the one major fundraiser during the school year called Shine on Chinook. The majority of the work is completed by the end of January. Key responsibilities include:
- Help to determine the fundraising budget and goals
- Develop the plan and strategy for the fundraising campaign
- Create any promotional materials/communications
- Track donations and send thank you notes/receipts
- Attend board and general Membership meetings
Membership Chair
This position campaigns for families to join the Chinook PTSA and coordinates their registration with the State PTSA. There is some data entry work.
Communications Chair
Communications Chair's main responsibilities include, but not limited to, the following. Technical background is helpful.
- Assess technologies best suited for PTSA communication needs and keep existing tools or put new ones in place (e.g. Weebly, MailChimp, Our School Pages).
- Maintain domain name, google analytics and other accounts.
- Manage the weekly Kodiak Korner newsletter by maintaining the signup list, receiving content and converting into newsletter and website, publishing the newsletter in a timely manner.
- Manage the PTSA website by working with the Board of Directors and grouping and organizing the pages appropriately, presenting pertinent content to the PTSA community, and being the contact person for the school office for updating the school calendar
- Manage emails from 'contact us' button on the website by answering directly or forwarding to the appropriate Board member.
- Act as admin for the Chinook PTSA Facebook page by working with the Board of Directors to ensure content and conduct is to community standards as developed by the PTSA.
- Work with various Board of Directors to provide for their needs, such as, work with Treasurer and Membership Chair to make sure online membership is setup each year, work with VP of Fundraising to ensure fundraising drives and accounts are setup correctly, work with I-Connect chair to setup email communication and feedback mechanism, etc.
Legislative Chair
The Legislative Chair's main responsibility is to stay on top of educational information from the State PTA and State legislature, and communicates it to our families. Key responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Attendance at state and district legislative meeting and WA State PTSA annual legislative assembly
- Interface with state and local officials to obtain information and advocate on behalf of schools
- Provide information to the PTSA Board on legislation and emerging issues impacting the education system
- Provide content as needed to the PTSA newsletter and website
PTSA Council Liaison
A representative from each of the Bellevue School District PTAs belong to a group, The Bellevue PTSA Council. This group meets once a month at the Bellevue School District headquarters to discuss issues that impact all of the schools in the district. There are presentations on a variety of relevant topics. Speakers range from the Superintendent, to School Board members, transportation, teachers, etc. Responsibilities include:
- Attend the monthly Bellevue PTSA Council meetings (about two hours long and alternate between a morning and evening time)
- Check-in before and after Council meetings with the Chinook PTSA Board of Directors to keep information flowing to and from the Council
- Handle communication between Chinook and the Bellevue PTA Council mainly via email.
Grants Chair/Committee
Much of the Chinook PTSA’s budget supports our students through grants. Teachers/staff/PTSA members make individual grant requests directly to the PTSA twice a year (fall and spring). The Grants Committee reports to the PTSA Executive Committee and responsibilities include:
- Review and approve/deny grant applications, using a list of guidelines and criteria
- Make decisions regarding funding allocation and communicats with grant requestors about the funding decisions
- Present information at the PTSA Membership Meetings
- Recruit additional committee members to help out with the program
BSF Representative
The Bellevue Schools Foundation (BSF) provides funding and supplies throughout the Bellevue School District for materials, projects, support, etc. that the school district cannot fund from their budget. The BSF is run with privately raised money and is a key component behind the unique nature and excellence of the Bellevue School District. The BSF Representative serves as a link between the Foundation and the Chinook PTSA community.
- Communicate Foundation news and events to parents
- Recruit and help with the fall campaign, as well as other fundraising events
- Organize tables for the annual ‘Spring for Schools’ fundraiser, and represent the Foundation to the community
Volunteer Coordinator
There are many ways to help out at Chinook. The Volunteer Coordinator helps match intererested volunteers with PTSA volunteer opportunities. This position is responsible for:
- Keep track of parents ready to volunteer and find volunteers for special events at school
- Write descriptions of volunteer jobs in the Kodiak Korner/PTSA website/FB when needed
8th Grade Party Chair
This is a Chinook PTSA Board of Directors position. The committee is responsible for planning and throwing a party for the 8th graders to celebrate their graduation from Chinook. The graduation party is typically held in June around the graduation ceremony at school and is attended by 8th grade students. You do not need to be an 8th grade parent to chair this position or be on the committee.
Awards Chair
In the Spring, this committee works with students and PTSA volunteers to award Teacher Appreciation awards and Volunteer Awards (Golden Acorn).
I-Connect Chair
The goal of Chinook I-Connect is to create opportunities for Chinook parents who want to connect with other parents at the school to share experiences and thoughts in order to build relationships, foster participation, and strengthen our Chinook Middle School community. The organizers will plan monthly discussion meetings with topics that are of interest to Chinook parents and invite subject matter experts (e.g. principal, counselors, district-level staff, parents). The attendees are encouraged to participate in the discussions at the meetings.
Reflections Chair
The Reflections Program is a National PTA and Washington State PTA cultural arts competition. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works. Each year, Reflections challenges students to create art that supports a specific theme in various art forms, such as dance, film, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. The Reflections Committee will promote the program and encourage students to participate (summer~Oct), assemble the judging panel (by Oct), collect student submissions (Nov), and plan and hold the awards & recognition ceremony (Dec). The Reflections Chair may recruit committee members to help out with the program.
Staff Appreciation
Over the course of the school year, the parent community shows appreciation for our teachers and staff. Typically parents prepare food for meals or other gestures to let the teachers and staff know how much we appreciate their work with our kids.
Nominating Committee
The nominating committee (3 people) is elected by the PTSA general Membership by early January. The job of the committee is to identify, recruit and nominate the best qualified candidates for each elected PTSA position, by holding confidential meetings and reviewing nominations, as specified by the WA State PTSA Bylaws and Chinook PTSA standing rules. The president cannot be a member of this committee. Ideally, committee members will have “reach” into our community to find those who will represent our students well.
Chinook Middle School PTSA * 2001 98th Avenue Northeast, Bellevue, WA 98004 * Contact Us